Qualitative research is very important in educational research as it addresses the “how” and “why” research questions and enables deeper understanding of experiences, phenomena and context. BCC group is organizing TWO DAY ONLINE workshop on “QUALITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS USING NVivo" to sensitize graduate, post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral (MD/MS, DM, MCh, DNB, MSc Nursing, MPhil, PhD) candidates and Medical/Nursing faculty to impart practical tips on conducting Qualitative research.
The aim of the workshop is to sensitize graduate, post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral (MD/MS, DM, MCh, DNB, MSc Nursing, MPhil, PhD) candidates and Medical/Nursing faculty to impart practical tips on conducting Qualitative research.
Day 1: Theory [Time: 3-5 PM]
1. Design cycle: Research question, literature and theory, conceptual framework, fieldwork approach
2. Ethnographic cycle: Designing research instrument, participant recruitment, data collection, making inference
3. Analytical cycle: Developing codes, describing & comparing, categorizing & conceptualizing, developing theory
Day 2: Practical [Time: 2-4 PM ]
Number of participants limited to -25
Registration fee: Early bird :2000 INR [30-April- 2024]; Late registration: 2800 INR
Mail us to confirm at biostathelp.bcc@gmail.com